advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

In 1943, Maslow developed his hierarchy . This is not created by men its the consequence of competition where there is not enough supply ( of seats of power in this case) to meet everybodys demand. You completely got that one wrong. This is because men are by nature aggressive and competitive.. ( noun) When a married couple live together in a new residence instead of with the husband's family ( patrilocal residence) or the wife's family ( matrilocal residence ). What is a pity is that Lucy83 and me both want the same thing, and that is the empowerment of women. Related: The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to. Sorry to say, if you think women are superior and have these sort of fantasies, you are a disgrace to nature and are weak both physically and mentally. If you can't see any of that, well, there's not a whole lot more to say. Hey you, go take that group's stuff and give it to me so my kids will have a successful upbringing!". 145 other terms for advantages and disadvantages- words and phrases with similar meaning How about condemning the whole male sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Po-Pot, Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible? Men can continue to be scientists, engineers and mechanics in a matriarchal society. What about average women and average men? You're not even trying to hide it. E-unit: Common Breeding Systems for Livestock Production Page 3 There is not a big problem with men competing with each other in sport, but it becomes a real problem when men compete on a battlefield with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, flame throwers, aircraft, rockets and nuclear weapons. In the 50s, veterinary medicine was virtually 100% male. But it is still mostly black men who are the leaders of the black community. Advantages of family a) Perform various functions The culture of the family started before humans came into existence. I would agree that it would be a great idea to teach men to loving and caring human beings. William Bond (author) from England on June 19, 2012: I agree that in our present patriarchal world, the way to be successful is to be ruthless and extremely competitive. As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. It is a system of governance where the male member of a family or a social group is the head or the senior-most member. I personally think that the way to counter patriarchal propaganda is not for women to deny their maternal instincts and try and pretend they are like men. It shows the scope of modern research on matriarchy. They're more likely than men to practice selective neglect, where they are capable of caring for all their children, but purposely neglect a disfavored child. And was all such invention worth it? You are basing your entire argument on the absurd idea that women are neither competitive nor violent, and that maternal instinct prevents them from being competitive or violent. So positive discrimination towards nurturing and maternal women is a very, very small price to pay, if it leads to us living a more caring and loving world. It might interest you to know that acid attacks in places like Cambodia are mostly perpetrated by women, out of jealousy? But where we disagree is how you achieve this. And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. If not, here's another suggestion. Women cannot compete against men when they use violence. So why are we continuing with a system that clearly does not work? In the past the people who got into power were the most successful warlords. But that's just a guess. But women are likewise motivated by their maternal instinct. Off course i cannot say how matrairchy will operate simply because in recorded history we have very little knowledge of how matriarchy works. Related: Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions. Which lets men off the hook. Sure you could make a list of differences too but that could never be even remotely as long. As for saying a lot of these acts of male violence is caused by women. The Caliper study findings are summarized into four specific statements about women's leadership qualities: Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. I totally agree with you wabond! In other words, because you're a man, your writing here isn't as qualified because you have inferior communication skills. It is nearly always men, and this is to do with the male competitive instinct.". "I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. This is also true of other sports where there is not a lot of difference in the way male kangaroos box each other and the way men fight in a boxing ring. We will never see eye to eye nor will we ever agree with you, we are two groups on the opposite side of the fence. What became of her? You can't even know that they won't make things a lot worse. And to tell people that if we want to live in a caring and loving world, then we need nurturing women to rule it. It is also theorized that some of the earliest socities like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were possibly Matriarchal-Egalitarian societies, they were also said to be technologically advance beyond their time. Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. We have come a long way from living in caves without law or democracy. Quoting from the above study: "In univariate terms, the largest differences between the sexes were found in Sensitivity, Warmth, and Apprehension (higher in females), and Emotional stability, Dominance, Rule-consciousness, and Vigilance (higher in males).". She just made a demand of her husband, made it a condition of her continued love and respect, and benefitted from the result. One may continue over and over again to argue that given our male supremacist society that most all know and love so well, that it would be exactly like that, but I naturally beg to differ, because until we are living in such a society there is no certainty that is nor would be convincing enough to support that perspective, because until such a society comes into existance where we can actually measure and examine in comparison both female supremacist matriarchy and our current patriarchy there can be no certainty of it. We seem to accept violence and war as 'normal'. I am also not in agreement with Lucy that men and women are more similar than different. The only way women can regain power is to convince both men and women that they would be better off, if women ruled our world. If you decide for yourself that's not sexism then, again, that's your choice. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. It sounds like you just have an image in your head of what a woman should be like and that's what you compare your picture of men with. Disadvantages of nuclear family system Lack of man power. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. You go on and on about maternal instinct, but mothers are the number one demographic of child abusers--both in numbers and in rates. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. It's reactionary fanaticism. Yes, you can always find individual women who are not very materialistic but you have to see the big picture. I have to point out that history has been written by men from a male point of view. Back in medieval times they had the sport of jousting where two riders charge each other with long lancers on horseback. As I have said before over 99% of the violence in our world is done by men. Advantages of Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) : A portion of the key advantages that will be gotten from utilizing a MRP framework are the following. While awful people have ruled the world, clearly a lot of great people have done so too. Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. We say, "She was confused and troubled", or "her circumstances were very hard", or "she was a good mother, but society failed her, she just slipped through the cracks". You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. So if we recognize that men on the whole make dreadful rulers, then it makes sense to see if women can do a better job. In India from the Hindu mythology we learn that five pandavas had married Draupadi. In other words, in male competition, there is no equality, and this has been the case in every society ruled by men. The men did the violence but the women encouraged,asked for, or exacerbated it. We need to be ruled by women with a powerful maternal instinct who will love and nurture the people they rule. How many? To counter arguments like this, women stated that men and women are the same, and continued to say this in 1960 -70s with the Womens Liberation Movement. How badly does it have to get, before women like you wake up to the fact that men are doing a really terrible job in ruling our world. ". Following the argument of my main work, Matriarchy, which is in the process of being published in several consecutive volumes, I briefly want to present my theory of matriarchal society. matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny). It can shift between the needs of the various projects under development and the company's functional units. But women do have brains, and are capable of outsmarting men. Or do not receive the support they need in raising a child. Yes, men do have good intentions, many men, do want to make our world a better place, but cannot overcome their aggressive and competitive instincts to do this. "What is the problem with Matriarchy? You don't even notice when you're contradicting yourself. I never get the same problems with men. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. Patriarchy thinks in another way. ". And though these are considered mythological cities there is like Troy a possiblilty they existed once, as there is an equal possiblity that modern day humans may be far older than science claims we are, studies such as forbidden science and archeology are of high interest, due to the fact that they indicate that science has not only been transformed into an instituionalized orthodoxy of cherished theoretical beliefs, but it also indicates that it refuses to embrace alternative possiblities and the fact that their theories about the world, the universe, and humankind could indeed be very wrong. Tesla lived and died a pauper. It is a social system where women possess the privilege to establish the structure of a family. The fact is that when men rule our world, we have a world of violence, war and injustice. Men do not like the way they rule our world and do attempt to do better. There has never been in history a case of an Amazon army of women that set out to conquer the world, but this has happened many times with men. Because of this, they are.what? It does not promote research and development. They are simply less likely to be motivated to overcome the hurdles involved, because over millennia, their reproductive success did not depend on their ability to self-differentiate from the collective in that way. advantages and disadvantages but may improve a group of animals. They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. We should understand the manner in which these are different from one another. For example: There have been many wars in history. Copyright @2022 All Right Reserved Designed and Developed by Maven Logix, Patriarchy Vs Matriarchy: Understanding the Difference, Pros and Cons of Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions, The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to, 20 Things That Pakistani Millennials Miss From Their Childhood. This should be backed by practical points, and the examples would be even better. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. You can't even attempt to question your beliefs can you? If females didnt have a powerful maternal instinct to do this most animals would go extinct. I am sure a matriarchal government will be far more committed to reducing both poverty and crime than any patriarchal government. This is exactly the same thing as racism or antisemitism or any other hate filled bigotry. You continue on by staying "And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. Most men are not violent. The only way we can have this proof is for women to start ruling countries. The fallacy lies in a blindness to the similarities. So this means that while men ruled through violence and intimidation, patriarchy was the only option. You then have to ask yourself why are we allowing idiots like this rule and dominate our world? "Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? "It is true some human men do help with caring for the young". If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. William Bond (author) from England on August 12, 2011: There are men out there murdering defenceless protestors on the streets Syria. So things could be a lot worse. The debate is ongoing about the exact time of matriarchy in different civilizations. There is a reason why women are attracted to powerful, dominant, 'alpha' men. Hardly anyone would use violence as a calculated strategic method for achieving successful results. They distinguish themselves from the group through their behavior and accomplishments. It goes like this: Judge: "Ma'am, you maliciously lied to the police and had your husband forcibly removed from his home and excluded from his children's lives. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . Throughout history women have shown, they are far less aggressive and violent than men, even, though they have been brutalised by men of violence. And you want to put women in charge? Einstein was a poor student. 7 Posts. So women are not driven to want to fight and compete with other people in the same way men are. However that all depends how you define Matriarchy doesn't it, among us Native American Indians a Matriarchy is a society that lives in harmony with Mother Nature; with the Earth, with animals, with each other, and with the cosmos. What is sexism however, and what I pointed out, is to claim that men are less capable of ruling the world because theyre men. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Feminism. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. "Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. ". We have had many great thinkers trying to solve these problems, through either religion or politics, but what is noticeable with all these solutions, is that they all have failed. Hi Mary Wednesday, I think the reason why you have more black men in prisons, is because most of them live in poverty. Like this post. As for acid attacks, the majority of assaults were carried out on women. Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. This is only a tiny fraction of the accomplishments of human kind under what you call patriarchy. And the problem with sexism is, that it creates a foundation upon which you can make any gender discriminating case you want. They are just as ruthless and corrupt. Really? Advantages and Disadvantages of Marxism | by Raicotechnology | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Nothing else. And how would a woman rise to power in such a system - what would she need to do in order to get voted into power (assuming you're not getting rid of elected leadership)? I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. Just as women would not feel motivated to feed the bloated, multi-billion dollar beauty industry if men had not evolved a preference for youth and beauty, men would not compete with other men for riches if women had not evolved a preference for a partner with the power, social status and the wealth to adequately provide for and protect her. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. In the end if we want a peaceful world then we need far, far more women in positions of power, thoughout the world. A patriarchal society may be capable of doing this for men, but it leaves out a large majority of the population that are more than capable of that very same thing. Please, consider the burden you are placing on women--the burden of infallibility, the burden of perfection, the burden of being goddesses. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man., Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead.. If you are going to claim that saying that men and women are different is sexism then you are going against common sense. The very fact that women are far less ruthless, aggressive and competitive than men, will make them far better rulers of our world. Nice toys may make your day better. I have no idea why I seem to be the only person saying this. If you want to live in a society where women rule, the Mosuo are there waiting for you in China, in their villages with no electricity or running water, and where livestock roam through the houses. Well just look at those women who have ruled countries and how often they did or didn't go to war. In other words, if you accept that women are better leaders because of their genitalia, then you must also accept that women are less intelligent because it is exactly the same reasoning that you use to support those arguments. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. The same thing thats wrong with making it easier for blue-eyed people to get into power. The status of the children is mostly decided by the status of the mother. That is what happens when we believe women are somehow less violent than men, and are not willing to hold women accountable when they are violent. Previous Post All about Microsoft Access Database you need to know. It is too bad that like pedophiles these monsters are freed to walk among us! " I think you should stick to speaking for yourself. Women have not shown anything of the sort. Omg, I'm so not a feminist. It is true some human men do help with caring for the young but many will also leave the female when she is pregnant or has his child and will strongly resist paying maintenance for his own children. Was it men or women? Now, whatever may be said about dominance, good or bad, there seem to be certain personality traits that lend themselves to leadership, and certain ones that don't. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. I'm sorry for being late, and miss you Lucy.. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on April 30, 2014: I note that activist Germaine Greer in her weekly newspaper article said it all just in the headline 'Women are now worse off than 50 years ago!'

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